Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Korea Garden

Korea Garden applying Taoist concept has similarities with Chinese and Japanese gardens, a Japanese garden but the difference was made in the form of a miniature nature and gardens form a microcosm of China (the world in a small version). While korea just let nature park as it is so likely to be maintained in the form of a most original.
Because Korea has a lot of hills, rocks and water then the basic elements to create the park was established, the concept has been applied in this way as a form of respect for nature Koreans.

Elements of ordinary water in use by the Korea as part of the park they used to make a beautiful pond with plants such as lotus in general. In Korea, the word seshim ("clear the mind") is often used as the name of the pool and pavilion because they love to hear the sound of water and solitude to keep away from worldly life so that water can be considered to cleanse the soul and pikiran.Berikut are some famous park in Korea which is the heritage of the park ancient times has now become a tourist attraction:
1. Parks Buyong in Bogildo, a favorite poet of Joseon, Yun Seon-do

2. Parks Soswaewon in Damyang, South Jeolla

3. Seongnakwon Park in Seoul. Joseon-style, was built during the reign of King Cheoljong
4. And much more.

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